Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blue Feather Studded Nails!

Things you will need: 

  • Top Coat
  • Any kind of small, multicolored craft feathers (you can get these at Walmart)
  • Gold Studs (I got these off of Amazon, just type "nail studs" in the search bar and pick ones you like)
  • Sinful Colors brand in "Black on Black"
  • Sinful Colors brand in "All About You"
  • Sinful Colors brand in "Gold Medal"
  • Salon Perfect brand in "Bermuda Baby"
  • Toe Nail Clippers or a sharp pair of fabric scissors.
  • Dotting Tool
  • Toothpick
Index and ring finger are painted blue (Bermuda Baby) and the Pinky, middle and thumb were painted black (Black on Black). Two thin coats of the blue and two for the black. I didn't have to do two coats with the black because it was very dark so one coat was perfect! Depends on what brand you have :-)
Once the blue dries, you want to paint it with top coat and quickly lay a feather onto the nail while it's tacky. 
*If you have a top coat that takes a while to dry, give it a minute or two before you apply the feather to the nail. That way it doesn't smear the polish*

Once you get the feather adhered, take some small scissors or a pair of sharp toenail clippers to trim off the excess feather that's hanging off the free edge of the nail. (You can also use a pair of sharp fabric scissors as well, whatever works best for you). Once that is done, apply a top coat to keep the feather in place.
Next, take the gold glitter and simply apply it to the pinky nail, over the black color.
Now you can move on to the middle finger. Dab some of the metalic brown/gold color (Gold Medal) onto a paper plate and take your dotting tool and get a generous amount onto the tool. Next, make a diagonal dotted line from top corner to bottom corner of the nail. Then, fill the one half of the nail with dots. Once it's dry, take the gold glitter and apply it to every other dot on the middle fingernail. 
Next, the thumb! All you have to do is place top coat on the thumb nail first, then apply the studs. You can either wet the dotting tool to get the stud to stick or you can use a toothpick. I prefer a toothpick. Once you get those on, apply top coat and you're done!! 

If  you want to see any video tutorials on these looks, just comment below! Thanks! XO

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