I was VERY happy with my Ipsy Glam bag this month! I re-took the quiz and it was done well this month!
First, we're going to talk about the Luxe Doubler Lip & Eye Pencil. This product is a good product! I wore this plum color today all day and only re-applied once! It doesn't last forever but it doesn't fade super fast either. I applied a clear Ios Egg Chap Stick to my lips first to help the liner glide on easier.
If you're using it for a lip stick, you will have to put some kind of chap stick on first, for it is hard to apply without.

I also liked the fact that it came as a FULL size! It kind of stinks when you really like a product that Ipsy sends you and it's only a mini sample. I was very pleased with this product and I give it:
Here is the link to purchase: https://skonecosmetics.com/shop/brows-liners/new-luxe-doubler/
Original price is $15 a piece but it's on sale right now for $12!
Bottom picture is a swatch of the lovely color for you!
Next, I'm going to talk about another lip product that I was sent. This one, of course, came in a mini size which stinks because I really like it! I'm a sucker for a beautiful nude shade though.

Also, here is a swatch of the color for you!
This lipstick is priced at $18
Thanks for reading! More reviews on the rest of my Ipsy contents tomorrow!