Let's dive right into the "How To" for this look! Let's start with the face:
As far as brushes go, the ones I use is in a separate blog post (I'll post the link to that post below).
First, I rinse my face off in the morning with warm/hot water ONLY. Now, if you find that the hot/warm water makes those pores TOO big, go ahead and grab an ice cube and shrink those babies back down to proper size before applying your make up! I try to do this prior to make up application whenever I think about it. It shrinks the pores back and keeps the make up from clogging them up. After I rinse my face, I apply my Clearasil spot treatment! Very good stuff and it works well for me :-)
Next, it's time for foundation! I use a flat top
brush to apply my foundation. I just dot the
foundation in random areas on my face, then take the brush and do small circular motions to apply. BE GENTLE around the eye area! Don't ever drag or pull the eye to apply ANY product. If you do use the brush for the under eye area, go gently from the outside in. Your working against gravity that way. :-)
For foundation I use the Cover Girl Ready, Set, Gorgeous! in the color "Classic Ivory." Then to set the foundation, I use the Cover Girl Ready, Set, Gorgeous! powder in the color "light." I use the same flat top brush to lightly dust it over my face.
Next, I apply my blush. I used a rounded make-up brush to apply it. I use Palladio Matte Blush, in the color "Bayberry." I purchased the blush at Sally's Beauty Supply. Here, I would also lightly contour if I wanted but I didn't want to today :-)
Next, I applied the highlighter! Jaclyn Hill's "Champagne Pop", of course! This is a fantastic highlighter and I HIGHLY recommend it for any skin tone! Once all that is done, I moved on to the eyes!
For the eyes, I used the Ulta "Take Me There" pallet for all the colors used.
Before I applied any colors, I used the primer that came in the Ulta pallet...FANTASTIC primer!! My eye-shadow stays on until I take it off and I haven't noticed any creasing or fading of pigment. Now, with certain colors you'll notice SOME fading/creasing (depends on the brand of eye-shadow). When the primer has a second to dry, start the eye-shadow!
With looks like this, I always start off with the transition color. The transition color in this look is the gold color up next to the brow bone, which is the color "Aztec Gold"..BEAUTIFUL color! I applied this color with a small, rounded make-up brush. Take the color from the pallet and work the color on in a windshield wiper motion across the crease of the eye, then slightly drag it up closer to the brow bone (but not all the way).
Next, I worked the grey/blue color into the crease slightly below the gold transition color. Concentrate more on the outer corner of the eye, then work the left over color towards the inner corner of the eye. The grey/blue color is "Sapphire" in the Ulta pallet.
Next, grab a clean brush and blend, blend, blend!! Blending assures there is not harsh lines between the colors.
Next, I took a bright blue color ("Key West") and popped it on with a clean finger to the center part of my lid. LOVE this color!
After that, I applied my liner. Liner is VERY hard to explain! You'll just have to play around with it until you get it. Just remember, it's make-up so if you mess up, you can start again! What I do is line up the bottom lash line with the eyeliner brush, then I flick the liner upwards. Then I start at the inner corner and fill it in. Told you it's hard to explain! I'll post a step by step video/tutorial tomorrow! The eyeliner I use is "Rimmel London Professional Liquid Eyeliner. I LOVE the liquid eyeliner! Some prefer gel or pencil but I like a nice, sharp line and liquid liner will do that for you.
Next, I apply "Green Machine" to the lower lash line. Beautiful color and I love how all these colors blend together! I just took a small sponge brush (the kind you recieve when you purchase eye shadow from the store) and dabbed it onto the lower lash line from the inner, all the way to the outer corner.
Then I took the highlight color, "Sunrise" and applied it right to my brow-bone and on the inner part of the eye.
*I also took my NYX "Stripped" color and applied it on top of my eyeliner. The eyeliner is metallic and I wanted to make it matte so, I applied that color right on top*
After all that, I apply my mascara. I use the Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Mascara. Great stuff!! I apply two coats to get the desired fullness and length.
Then I applied some lipstick! In this photo I used the Femme Couture Lipstick in "Nude Kiss." I purchased that at Sally's as well.
After the mascara is TOTALLY dry...and I mean TOTALLY dry, I apply the Mary Kay Make up Finishing Spray to set all the make up and to keep it in place. If you don't wait until the mascara is dry before you spray, the mascara will transfer onto the eyelid and make a mess! If this does happen, all you have to do is take a dry q-tip and twist it on top of the mess and it'll come right off without messing up the look!
Sorry this post was SO long! I will be working on getting good lighting so I can do video tutorials! Hopefully soon!
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